Optometry is a profession concerning vision, the practice of which includes the determination and evaluation of the refractive status of the eye. It also includes the detection of the diseases both ocular and systemic and in the selection, design, provision, and adaptation of optical and optically related corrective measures. An Optometrist is a person qualified and authorized to practice optometry in all its aspects.
The profession of optometry is a combination of legal. Educational, practice management, service a delivery and public health initiative that is unique to every country. It based on culture, educational and regulatory frameworks. Optometry is more than just the correction of refractive error. Uncorrected refractive error is the second highest cause of blindness and the main cause of visual impairment globally.
The focus of the program is to qualify Optometrists who are competent, compassionate with a humane and holistic approach towards their patients. The quality of education imparted to the Students is constantly improved by upgrading teaching and learning methods through a continuous process.
The overall objective of the course is to train competent Optometrists who can provide comprehensive preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative eye health and vision care services, which include refraction, dispensing, detection/diagnosis and management of diseases of the eye, and rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system.
The curriculum is a full-time semester and program of study with the following major aims and objectives:
The specific objectives of this program shall be able to;
1) Train an Optometrist to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitude to practice as primary eye care professionals
2) Train optometrists who will be able to teach Optometry at a School/college of Optometry, take up further education and do research in the ophthalmic field.
3) Train Optometrists who will independently perform comprehensive clinical eye examination including refraction, and detection of pathological disorders of the eye and related systems.
4) Train Optometrists who will independently prescribe all types of optical corrections including spectacles, contact lenses, low vision aids, vision therapy, and eye exercises.
5) Create an opportunity for Ordinary Diploma holders to upgrade knowledge and skills.
All courses are taught in English. Therefore it is imperative that students are proficient in reading, writing and speaking English.
Three principal passes in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology with minimum entry of 6 points. Whereby one must have at least C grade in Chemistry and at least D grade in Biology and E grade in Physics.
All equivalent applicants may apply for above programmes if they meet the requirements stated below:
BSc (lower second) majoring in Physics/Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology /Zoology