The Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMUCo) Library was first established in 1971 to serve a community of staff and researchers of Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC). In 1993 the Executive Council of the ELCT decided to establish a Lutheran University, ‘Tumaini University’ comprising, among others, KCM College became operational on the 1st October 1997 starting with Faculty of Medicine. In 2010, the College adopted the name KCMUCo and it was granted a Charter pursuant with the provisions of the Universities Act no. 7 of 2005. The KCMUCo expanded, renovated and equipped the library with print and e-resources to meet the needs and requirements of users including researchers, lecturers, students and the KCMUCo community as a whole.
Directorate of Library Services (DLS) comprises of Conventional and E- library. The Conventional library. DLS has five (5) operational and service points to include Special Reserve, General Circulation, Periodicals, Bag Deposit and Reference Services. These are supported by special libraries located in the faculties and departments e.g. Nursing, Dermatology, and Ophthalmology to meet the needs and requirements of key users such as researchers, lecturers, students and the KCMC/KCMUCo community as a whole. All these form integral parts of the fundamental directorate to support academic endeavours of the College.
DLS has resources in many formats covering the wide range of academic programmes on offer. These include over 2916 print book titles with a total of 5473 volumes, 1245 research reports (290 1st degree research projects, 907 Master degree dissertations and 48 PhD theses) with books/student ratio of 1:6. E-library has 252 connected computers with a student ratio of 1:5. The digital resources accessible are such as e-books, e-journals, e- articles and e- reports from PDF Drive, E-Books Directory, E-books for Doctors, Research4Life (Hinari, AGORA, OARE and ARDI). The Consortium of Tanzania University and Research Libraries (COTUL) hosts subscribed resources such as EBSCOHost, Taylor &Francis online, Emerald insight and Wiley online library. Also, there are open accessible through search engines such as Google Scholar, Academia.ed and BASE operated by Bielefeld University Library. The sitting capacity of both conventional and e- library is 362 per time that is 110 for Conventional library with 26 tables and 117 chairs and e- library with 252 piece of computers and 252 sitting capacity.