Main Theme
The conference will bring on board internationally renowned immunologists as keynote speakers from over 5 countries in Africa Europe and the US. Participants will be able to explore cutting-edge research, breakthroughs, and advancements in systems immunology. It will be an excellent opportunity to engage with leading experts and contribute to the exciting progress in understanding the complexities of the immune system. Don’t miss this pivotal event in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.
The conference will cover both communicable and non-communicable diseases with a focus on immunology. Emphasis will be on the need for a comprehensive approach to immunology, exploring how diverse factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle influence immune responses and disease outcomes worldwide. Different presentations from world-renowned keynote speakers and from conference participants will shed light on strategies for prevention, intervention, and public health policies contributing to a holistic understanding of the body’s immune system and its role in both communicable and non-communicable diseases.
- Systems biology approach in understanding variations in the immune system
- The role of diet and nutrition in Immunology
- Immunology of emerging and re-emerging infection
- Multi-omics approaches in immunological research
Travel Arrangements Airport Pick-up
Taxes are available throughout at the airport to shuttle passengers at an estimated cost of $30 to Moshi City Centre. However, airline shuttles are available at a much cheaper rate of only TZS 10,000 but mostly these shuttles operate depending on flight schedules for Air Tanzania & Precision Air. Some Hotels including WeruWeru River Lodge also arrange for airport pick-up for travelers residing at their hotels.
Daily shuttle to the conference
KCMUCo will arrange for a daily shuttle of participants to & from the conference venue, however, a few designated locations will be used to pick up and drop off participants as indicated below:
- Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College’s main entrance
- Panama Hotel Moshi
- Ameg Hotel Moshi
- Uhuru Hotel Moshi
- Arusha Round About bus waiting station
Participants will be picked up from these locations starting at 7:30 am and driven back after the conference.
Information on Hotels in Moshi
- WeruWeru River Lodge (Conference participants will receive the discounted price if opted to stay in the hotel: Please contact the hotel through; info@weruweruriverlodge.com, or call +255 747 463 659/+255 747 463 659 )
- Lutheran Uhuru Hotel (www.uhuruhotel.org )
- Ameg Lodge Kilimanjaro (info@ameglodge.com )
- Panama Garden Resort (info@panamagardenresort.co.tz )
- Sal Salinero Hotel (bookings@salinerohotels.com )
- Leopard Hotel (info@moshileopardhotel.com )
- Qwine Hotel Moshi
- Zebra Hotel Moshi
Registration Fees
[1]. Tanzania Students – 50,000 TZS
[ 2]. Tanzanian’s Non Students – 100,000 TZS
[3]. International Participants – $100
Contact Information
- +255 272753616
- conference@kcmuco.ac.tz
- Weru Weru River Lodge
- www.kcmuco.ac.tz